DIH is a game developed by Nikolai TARDY and designed by Admiral X. of Timiny. This game is a thought-provoking metroidvania set in a mysterious fantasy world resembling the Gardens of Babylon in reverse. So the deeper you go, the more dangerous enemies you'll encounter, and the more flamboyant and cursed settings... To discover the story though... I'll let you do it by yourself...
"The world was becoming Dangerous...
Monsters are springing up on all sides...
But... Would it be a light?..." Albero, the Genius
Nikolaï TARDY
Nikolai is the technical manager of the video game, he has his time divided by his game... and his game. Despite the many mistakes he makes and the many bugs, he loves what he does, at least that's what he told me...
Amiral X. de Timiny
So he's a funny guy, did I tell you that the first character looked like a courgette with a poncho? No ? Too bad... Well, he's the technical director of the video game art, and he's really good at drawing!
Do you want to see something appear in the game? An idea, a picture etc... Contact us! Attention, only the best ones will be retained!
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